HOMEMADE FISH / meat / veggie stock

Base to any good soup / sauce.

I dont think I have made anything that easy before.

We went fishing the other week and caught a lot of fish, after gutting it all we shared loads with neighbors, family and friends but I was left with loads of heads and half cuts -which I did not wanted to waste so fish stock came to mind, which I can freeze and use any time I want.

How to make it?

Just like any stock or base to any soup, first I dry fry my onion and garlic until golden in colour. This is my secret. This method will give that aromatic taste. No oil.

After dry frying the onions and garlic only then I add meat / fish – this will produce that fat/oil you need. Fry it all for a moment (2 min max) and add your veggies now. I normally use parsnip, carrots, celery, loads of onion, leek, bay leaf and allspice. Simmer for at least 1 hour. Your soup base is ready.

For tomato soup add fresh tomatoes and basil, for leek just add more leek and potatoes and simmer for another hour. This stock will make the best soup you will ever eat

To make a proper rich in flavor fish or meat stock I use this exact method but I simmer it for hours and hours until there is no more veggies, fish or meat bits you can recognise. Your house is going to stink when making a fish stock but its worth it. You can use a whole fish (gutted) and please do keep bones, this is where the real flavor comes from. Fish heads are very welcome as well. But if you have none of that just use fish fillets, you want oily fish fillets. Same with chicken stock, use bones and skins.

I usually simmer my chicken or fish stock for two days. On for a whole day, off at night and then on for a whole day again. You will be left with just a liquid mash. When cooled down, sieve through, bag it in to freezable bags and use it when needed.
