eat meat don’t eat meat

My whole life I have been told that meat is the best source of protein. My understanding was that our bodies simply have absorbed all the nutrients we need in quickest and easiest way if we had portion of meat. Athletes – ate meat. Hard working men – ate meat. Basically to have a full on power and energy- EAT MEAT. 

Due to lockdown – I have been doing a lot of learning and paying a lot of attention to what we eat. During this year I have cut down on a lot.

I have been thinking about meat a lot lately. Where does it come from and what is being put in it, before and after the animal dies? Now that we have left the EU, I hear that we are going to be getting bleached chickens from America. We will be getting a better and cheaper deal with the US. Lucky us. I truly hope there is no true in this story and its just a myth like about the lettuce article I read years ago. But the truth is that we are already giving farm animals so much antibiotics and all sorts of medications to stop them getting diseases to keep them healthy, surely some parts of that is being pass on to us?

Nowadays all sorts of chemicals are used to keep our products fresh. I hear that they Harmless to our bodies in small doses but if we add ALL the chemicals that we consume daily, surely this will have an impact on us: cheeses, drinks, packaged food, ready meals… even fruit and veg are sprayed with them as well… Do we really need a researcher or a doctor to confirm that?

So are we build to eat meat or not? 

There is a lot of articles and research done but can we trust them? Who is this research done by? and for what purpose?

I read some years ago about a person who had cured their cancer just by eating lettuce. Then there was this craze for lettuce in the shops. To cut long story short, the lettuce sales were down, someone has wrote an article and just like that the sales of lettuce were up again. Back in fifties the cigarettes were sold as a cure for cough! There were public adds promoting smoking, showing doctors smoking and recommending it. 

So who do we trust? More I look in to this subject more I think that my gut is my best friend, trust no-one else! Listen to that amazing body of yours.

So meat, is it really good for us as the ‘’research shows’’?

***I found one good thing so far… important thing too. Iron / protein – is absorbed better if you consume it with meat option… BUT just by adding extra vitamin C to veggie option, your iron intake – your body will deal with absorption better.

Did you know that simple cup full of beans will give you enough protein/fibre for the day?  That’s just beans, on its own. They are full of complex carbohydrates, potassium, iron. Plus if you add all the veg, nuts, fruit and breakfast cereal you will normally eat during the day you are sorted… this is it, you have enough good food in you, to power you on for the day minus all the bad stuff that comes with meat. Just a small steak will have almost the same amount of calories as cup of beans. However the steak also comes with loads of cholesterol, fat -which most of it is saturated. 

I was also learning about the blood and what just one meat meal does to your body/blood/veins, to your arteries. There were pictures that totally gross me out, how dirty and fatty our blood looks just after one meal with meat in it. 

Dont get me started on farming… more I look in to it, more unbelievable it looks. How we keep our animals. In most cases it is disturbing how they are being kept, treated. How we feed them, how much water they use and how much they fart! 

At this post I was only supposed to be about my own veggie experience. I never thought I am going to get into all that meat drama, internal drama with myself. I have always said that, I could never stop eating meat cos I love meat. So what is about meat that I LOVE so much? Taste, right?

Did you know that ANIMAL agriculture is the main reason of water pollution- the animals poop A LOT, they produce huge amount of carbon-dioxide, nitrous-oxide, and methane emissions, which are the top three greenhouse gasses. Basically just by farting and burping they produce more green gasses than WHOLE transportation system put all together. I am kidding you not but it takes 1,800 GALONS of water to produce just ONE POUND of meat, which is 72 times less to produce 1 pound of WHEAT! Agriculture is the reason for deforestation, by which we lose an amazing plant and animal species all over the world, even uk. 

I have decided, I do not want to eat meat no more. I have now more reason: me, planet, animals. Is it possible to become vegan and still cope? How about your energy? How about your guts? I love my roast dinners, but do I? Really, when you think about it, do I really want to stuff my face with chemical pumped up meat?

beetroot and carrot burgers YUMMY

So I am day five into my plant based diet. I am honestly shocked how easy it is to just switch to veggies like that. Do I miss meat? I don’t know… yet. Energy levels are high, strength as well.

I have always slept well so no difference there.

Will I stick to it? so far so good