As simple as that! Not my words but they worked on me.
Wim Hof- what a dude. I just simply love his energy. I love how he just get you in the right state of mind. I have been practicing the Wim Hof breathing method for a year now. I have read his book and the man has a good point. We all need to breathe, breathe deep. We constantly forget to oxygenate our bodies and its silly because we all need oxygen to live.
What do I think about the method? I am still doing it, still breathing fully in and I do it regularly. Most mornings after I get up, I open the windows, I lay on the floor and breathe. It all depends on my mood or the time I have, but mostly I will only do three rounds of breathing, the slow option as well. I breathe both through my nose and mouth. Its all about how you feel that day. Dont push it, just let the breath guide you. Let it penetrate your whole body. If I have a back pain, I will direct my breath to the area of pain. It works people. It really does. Wim also suggest to do the exercise on empty stomach. The reason being is that your body will fully concentrate on breathing and not on digesting your food.
I use Wims app or youtube and I let his voice guide me through the exercise. I relax every muscle of my body… its an amazing experience. Each time I experience something different. Sometimes I will feel my body just being ever so heavy i cannot move my hands, sometimes I feel like I am not in my body at all. Sometimes I cry or truly smile. Breathe and be in that moment. Explore the feeling and listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Its ok.
Amazing little trick to keep your body alkaline. Get rid of the stress you carry on without even knowing.
Like I said earlier, sometimes take me a bit of time to relax, or I just cannot relax at all. Its all ok, the benefits of just breathing deeply are all good for you and your body. The benefits of just taking the time for yourself are amazing.
The WH Method is talking about The Breath, The exposure to Cold and Meditation.
I have been exploring the idea of cold, meditation last year but as a separate experience, I have not really connected them three yet, until now.
I have been taking cold showers for few years, i read somewhere before I discovered the WH Method that its good to introduce your body to cold and it helps anxiety. So this year I have decided that I am going to have a cold bath. My new year resolution was to lose 1kg and have a cold bath.
Few days ago, I did it! and you know what? It wasnt THAT BAD! The thought of going into cold bath just was not sitting with me well, but challenge is a challenge. I did the breathing exercise just before it and I went into the cold bath. I found that as long as I breathed deeply, slowly I was actually feeling ok with it. I was in control. I survived just under two minutes and I was pumped! I felt amazing, no I felt on the top of the world. Not only was I well chuffed with my effort but my body felt so alive. I was tingling all over. Yes I was cold, but it was nice cold. I did it in winter with windows open as well. When I got out, the cold air felt pleasantly warm. I am still smiling when I think about it.
Two days later I did it again and stayed in the bath for just under three minutes and my friends, I am totally addicted to it now. Will I do it again? YAS and again and again.
Ohh and I have lost 5kg now. This new year is full of wins. Lets see what the rest of 2022 will bring!
Doest it work? It does for me. I used to had pain in my shoulder and since I started doing just breathing exercise and ending my shower with a 3min cold shower, the pain has really gone away. I stopped using body lotions because my body does not needed it any more either. My skin is not dry, like it used to be, where I had to put the lotion on because it felt itchy. May hair looks healthy and shiny. The ends do not split as much. This method is a winner for me. Thanks Wim Hof!
The thing is, for the pass year I really started to like myself a lot. I stopped eating meat, I meditate, I exercise and I do yoga on most days as well. Nothing crazy and nothing is a chore. I do those things because I like it and I am up for it. ITS FREE as well.
The best of all its all free and you can do it in your own time. I know, I seriously know how no time we have during the day for things that are good for us, but if you feel like I, please do find the time to explore, to find what your body is capable of and what your body want. You might be as nicely surprised as I was.
Do bear in mind that some days I just cannot be bothered and you know what, thats also ok. Do what you feel like doing on that day. Its all ok. The most important thing is to look after yourself and and listen to your body, do what makes YOU happy.