Homemade remedies for your health and worries

My grandma used to use all sorts of herbs, fruits and veg for our ouchies/sicknesses/sores/colds. Here are some tried (on me and my family) ideas

My friend, what I am about to share with you is my family secrets we have used for generations. These secret potions must be kept secret, this is why I have created this blog so they can stay safe here. I just want to confirm that I have no medical background, all the recipes mentioned on here are tried by me and worked on me and my family, friends only.

Onion Juice:

I know how this sounds. Onion Juice. Ewwww. Well its not. Have you tried? Of course not. Yes it does smell but actually it’s not that bad. Who would drink an onion juice? I do! Do I smell? Yes of course, but I also do brush my teeth… so its all good.

Let me tell you a story about onion and how amazing this little piece of veg is:

Onions are members of the Allium genus of flowering plants they have medicinal properties and contain a lot of minerals and vitamins. In my family, onion is used as an ingredient for cooking- I will tell you more about that soon too- but most importantly onion is used as a medicine. I have also heard about onion being used as remedy for ailments of the skin and hair and other health issues like diabetes, heart diseases, and inflammation. I have not tried these methods yet so I cannot comment but will most certainly try and will write on here. You see in my family we only used onion as a high in vitamin C juice drink, so every time my sister or I would sneeze or cough, my mom or gran would prepare onion juice for us.

How its made? Very simple:

Cut your onion very fine, put it in a glass jar, add sugar… I would say one large onion = 4tsp of sugar, any sugar. You can use any onion and any sugar but for me, because I can have this option- I use organic onions and brown sugar (only for its extra mineral benefits) All sugars are bad in my opinion, I just choose the less bad ones 😉 so now you have a jar full of onion and sugar, please cover it with a lid of cling film and leave it for at least an hour. I prepare my around 4PM so kids can have it before going to bed.

One table spoon of the juice per person. Your work of vitamin C feeding, is done for the day.

If the whole family of four is sick/have a cold I would do fresh onion juice every 12 hours. Take a big jar, cut up 4 onions and add 16 tsp of sugar… believe me it works and even kids will love it if you stop making a silly faces and tell them it’s a juice of champions or super heroes! I believe in you PARENTS!

Best of all, onion has higher vitamin C content than Lemon and has less acid which is better for your stomach lining- so I have been told by my nan.

Raw onion will have its 100% of its vitamin and minerals contents kept, not like roasted, cooked or boiled ones– these methods will lose between 40-60% of its goodness- which is still not bad.

I hear you say please tell me more about Onions and why should we use it more of this amazing veg… well, let me tell you this way there really is a lot of research done about onion just google it. But I tell you the second my child coughs or sneezes I do make my onion juice. I cannot say it’s a cure but it does keeps us away from colds. A lot of parents use calpol – you know the medicine. I think onion juice will do exactly the same. I mean, if you deal with a sick child, high body temperature of 40C, yes please do use pharmaceuticals drugs but if your child just have a cold and mild temperature believe me when I say this, simple onion juice, chicken soup and loads of cuddles will do the trick.

Did you know…

  • There are many anticancer compounds in onions, including quercetin, anthocyanins, and organosulfur. Studies show that these compounds may help in the treatment of several types of cancer
  • Onion juice can also prevent bone disorders connected with inflammation. Studies show that taking the juice can boost bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
  • Onions contain selenium, a nutrient that may boost immunity levels. Selenium triggers an immune response and suppresses excessive immune response. Selenium is most interesting I am just learning about how important that little gem is. Did you know that immune cells deficient in selenium are vulnerable to more oxidation. These cells also face difficulties in producing protein and transporting calcium. Its all connected and just by having a silly onion juice shot (tea spoon shot a week) will keep you that little bit healthier.

Dont just wait to get sick, onion really is good for you and its very good for your body!