My Self Zen - Food

dandelion: MY BEST FRIEND

Dandelion flowers do not need to be pollinated to form seed, what a survivor! All its parts can be consumed: the flower, the leaf and the root. This amazing plant can be used in the production of wine, root beer, …

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HOMEMADE FISH / meat / veggie stock

Base to any good soup / sauce. I dont think I have made anything that easy before. We went fishing the other week and caught a lot of fish, after gutting it all we shared loads with neighbors, family and …

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no meat diet, how to stay healthy?

I am 5 month into no’ish meat in my diet. I have failed few times already. I had few bacon sandwiches – my excuse was: I was so ridiculously hangover the only thing that could save me was bacon! Did …

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eat meat don’t eat meat

My whole life I have been told that meat is the best source of protein. My understanding was that our bodies simply have absorbed all the nutrients we need in quickest and easiest way if we had portion of meat. …

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TEA TIME – homemade herbal tea

So how do you make tea? Simple, boil a kettle and pour water into a cup and add some milk. Or controversial way, first add milk, then tea and water… I used to worked with an Egyptian man, Mr Al-Ghafari. …

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Easy Cook – sourdough

All you need is LOVE, water and flour. Its up to you what sourdough you want to make. With the same method you can make white or rye or wholemeal sourdough… I have my main sourdough made with rye flour …

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Easy cook- make your own pitta Bread

It takes no effort to make these, just a bit of time. My kids love them and they are happy to help me bake. Favourite part? playing with the dough! From 500 gr of flour you will have 8 large …

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